It is no secret that you have to be a savvy business woman to churn a profit in the belly dance industry. A couple of years ago, some of you may remember the Bellydance Business Management Program that was booming. So much so, I couldn’t keep up and had to take a break to figure out how to make the program reach more people and keep some semblance of a life jaja.
While the work was enjoyable, there are only 24 hours in a day and there is only so much one human can handle. So now I have exciting news…the Savvy Bellydancers School is open for all of you who have inquired about turning your business around, and learning the tools and skills necessary to find clients on a steady basis.
For some belly dance is a hobby, for others this is a lifestyle and career. How does one get from A to B? What makes some belly dancers more successful than others financially, and how can you apply that model into your business, whatever that may be?
All of this is very important to think about, and the truth is, there is no magic formula It all takes hard work, but knowledge is the key! Simply putting on the costume and performing doesn’t mean you are a successful dancer.
If your goal is to make belly dance a viable stream of income then this program is for you! If you would like to learn more about pricing, how this works, and sign up for the level of mentoring that best fits your needs and budget, contact me today.
Here you can learn how to avoid getting into debt with this job, focus on the one thing that will make your business grow, and find what success means to you and how to ACHIEVE it.
We all think we can do everything on our own, until we try it, and discover that some items are simply not as simple as they appear. Learning through mentors is amazing because you cut a lot of time/mistakes out by learning through your mentors’ failures and successes and arming yourself with the knowledge on how to obtain your goals.
I hope to see you all on the online bellydance studio page. The sign up form is up and ready for your energy, trust, and dedication. Let’s make this year the one where you turned things around, and made your bellydance business create the life you deserve.