Photo Gallery

Recent Belly Dance Pictures

What To Note About My Photographs


A. Recent Images Only

The first thing you may notice is that I only am including the most recent (last 2 years) curated selection of photoshoot images on this page. I have had MANY photoshoots over the years, but showing you the most recent ones, so that you know what I look like now, and not a decade ago is key here.

B. My Body Has NOT Been Photoshopped

The muscle definition is all mine. I workout and maintain a consistent weight. Contouring and digital altering has NOT been performed by a photographer on my body, and that is something I am very proud of.

C. Only Light Retouching Has Been Allowed

The photographers depicted here have made some touches on the whiteness of my eyeballs and teeth in some of the shots. Some skin smoothening can be seen. This is pretty normal, but nothing heavy. I respect the photographers artistic expression, but I have been adamant about not heavily retouching my images in any way. I want my clients to see me and feel confident that I look like the images shown here (no catfishing).

D. Credit The Photographers Always

You will note that I have included the photographer credits in these images and throughout my site. Why? Because I have some wonderful fans who share my images online and I want to do my best to have the photographers information included so that their creations can be credited as they are placed elsewhere online. Please be mindful of this and credit the artist.

Thank you for your support and I’ll be updating this gallery each year.