by Bellydance By Jennifer Inc. | Apr 12, 2016 | Belly Dancers Corner
When it comes to performing for a birthday or wedding in Orlando, FL it seems many a dancer tends to choose one or the other as their favorite. In fact many will go as far as charging extra for weddings compared to birthdays, or offering a completely separate show....
by Bellydance By Jennifer Inc. | Apr 6, 2016 | Belly Dancers Corner
For those of you who don’t know yet, I recently launched my online business and dance studio. Now you can bellydance With Me anytime and anywhere. The online studio is called “The Savvy Bellydancers School” and is divided into two sections. Section 1 is all about...
by Bellydance By Jennifer Inc. | Mar 29, 2016 | Belly Dancers Corner
As many of you know, this Orlando Bellydancer edits and uploads videos on a weekly basis. I will be frank, the thought of editing video made me cringe not too long ago, and even still I have moments of laziness, but if you follow this blog, you can easily create a...
by Bellydance By Jennifer Inc. | Mar 26, 2016 | For Clients and Supporters
These triplets MADE their dad call me to bellydance as their Sweet Sixteen Party Entertainment in Kissimmee, FL. When their father Freddy was on the phone with me, I was giggling with delight as he told me how his daughters practically forced him to call and make sure...
by Bellydance By Jennifer Inc. | Mar 26, 2016 | For Clients and Supporters
I have bellydanced for several Henna Parties before in Orlando, FL but this pre-wedding celebration was something else! If I did not know better, I may have thought everyone from the United Nations was there as every country imaginable was present and the music and...