by Bellydance By Jennifer Inc. | Feb 25, 2016 | Belly Dancers Corner
It is no secret that you have to be a savvy business woman to churn a profit in the belly dance industry. A couple of years ago, some of you may remember the Bellydance Business Management Program that was booming. So much so, I couldn’t keep up and had to take a...
by Bellydance By Jennifer Inc. | Feb 25, 2016 | For Clients and Supporters
Easily, there are thousands of Entertainers in Orlando, FL & each day I am grateful for being chosen to perform at parties and weddings all around the state and even internationally. Today’s blog is dedicated to my “Villages Family” who teach me to love life and...
by Bellydance By Jennifer Inc. | Jan 28, 2016 | Belly Dancers Corner
For years I have built a business around the power of private belly dance class instruction in Orlando, FL and online. While group classes are amazing and a necessary part of your foundation, supplementing your studies with private lessons or using them on a week to...
by Bellydance By Jennifer Inc. | Jan 22, 2016 | For Clients and Supporters
Valentine’s day is not too far away now, and like many of you, I begin searching for fun and romantic Valentine’s day ideas for my honey and I during January. This blog post is perfect for the lady in your life, or couple who loves to give the gift of a great...
by Bellydance By Jennifer Inc. | Dec 3, 2015 | Belly Dancers Corner
For years and years I struggled with my hands and arms in my dance and once I began taking privates on the subject, delving into various arm carriage styles and figuring out what worked and didn’t work for my personal “look”, things began to improve each year. The...