Before I begin let me just say that I go to technical school during the daytime, as well as run my business. I dance almost every night, and the couple of nights I do have off, I go to school for my masters. Needless to say, a few months ago I began to foresee the fact that I needed to take some time off of work and school and focus on relaxing and recharging my batteries. It is funny the phrase “recharge my batteries”. I consider myself to be quite a work-a-holic and always maintain a tightly packed schedule. If I find myself with a night off, trust me I will fill the time with numerous tasks and assignments in order to take advantage of the extra time and get try to stay ahead. 

I think in this business sometimes things just go so fast that we forget to just stop and take time for ourselves. I just came back from a vacation and feel more energized than ever. My mood is more peppy than usual (and I am quite a happy person), and I think I have made quite the realization…. it is ok to take a few days off and do nothing. In fact, I feel I can better serve my clients when I get a good break like this. DO not get me wrong, I try to offer the best customer service possible to my clients, but we can all get run down from life every now and then and taking some time off is not so bad after all. I always fear that the worse will happen when I leave but year after year nothing bad happens while I am gone, and I come back rejuvenated and ready to dance like never before. I am going to make it a point in 2012 to take one day a month to do absolutely nothing and see how it affects me overall. I challenge you over-achievers (like me) out there to do the same and tell me how it works for you. I think the lesson I learned this past week, and ultimately what I am trying to say, is that you and I should not feel guilty for taking taking time away from business and school. In fact, It should occur a little more often, not just once a year. As long as it is done responsibly and with a good plan, it can actually help bolster business, because your energy will be through the roof after a nice rest. Let me know how this works out for you. I am going to bed 🙂