Today I spent the day selecting paint colors and it is amazing the effect that a color can bring to spectators. When I was in marching band, the color guard would dance around with their flags and it wasn’t until I would review the performance video with the band, where I could truly see and appreciate how much the flag colors strengthened the music and feeling we trying to emote on the field. This concept is true when it comes to selecting your bellydance power color.


Bellydance can bring about the same experience. Whether it is through our costuming, props or use of makeup and accessories, the color you choose plays an important role in strengthening the message behind the energy you are emitting.


I spent an hour with my sister this past weekend choosing eyeshadow colors and a fun makeup palette simply because I wanted colors that would work better with my skin tone and make me appear tanner (simply because the shade selected would create that visual effect).


How many times have you worn a costume and someone from the audience or a fellow dancer says “wow, that is DEFINITELY your color”? Chances are that when you wear that color you feel more beautiful, more vibrant, or more confident (perhaps all three jaja).


Look Like the Music


When we think of the song we chose to dance to make sure your costuming, makeup or props look like the music. Select a color that not only helps to strengthen the message/emotion behind the music but is a shade or tone of that color that makes you radiant. For example, if you are doing a bellydance flamenco fusion piece and your song is strong, aggressive and full of drama, select a color that embodies that! Then take find the perfect shade of that general color that will make you radiate. That will be your b.ellydance power color!


Don’t Make the Innocent Mistake…
When you costume or makeup shop, bring a friend, and ask for their honest opinion. I have worn colors that made me look downright sickly in the past. I used to tan, and now I do not, and that has greatly affected what colors actually work with me and against me when in full regalia.


If you are alone, ask a random shopper for their opinion or a store attendant. It will save you from wasting money and time. Frankly, because of my color deficiency, I tend to go for brighter tones and will ask anyone around me for a second opinion to make sure what my eye see’s and what the general consensus is, matches.


Over the years it seems I have received the same compliments over the same colors: jewel tone green, warm orange, cobalt blue, and lavender.

Don’t know what your bellydance power color is? Go ahead and ask. I hope that this post will help you create more flow between the music and you visually on stage and will inspire you to take a few more color risks.


To learn how to sew your own bellydance costumes visit my online studio today.