This years was the most successful and most demanding year of all. With great rewards came thousands of hours of work to make it all happen, but it paid off!
I first want to begin by saying thank you to all of you; my friends, my supporters, my clients, my students, my family, my honey, my pets, and to my fans. The community of people that make up the sphere of our belly dance world is so important. I wish you all momentous success in all your endeavors this upcoming year.
This blog post is really a way of seeing what I accomplished this year and what I hope to accomplish in 2013. Please post your successes and resolutions in the comment box below, I would lvoe to read them.
2012 Highlights:
-Winning the Scholarship for Yallah Fest and being able to study with one of my idols (Randa Kamal) and visit Puerto Rico
-Launching my line of Couture Rhinestone Costumes with success
-Teaching a few workshops thanks to some very wonderful ladies: Anais Bellydance Studios and Dance Express
-Launching my private classes offerings to much success
-Winning Ya Halla Ya’ll Competition
-Winning the Stellar Advantage Pro Competition
-Placing second at MBC competition
-400% increase in gigs
-Writing for Yallah magazine (my fav)
-Being on two major television networks
-Balanced a day job, school, and monster business and came out alive
There are so many other wonderful things that happened but these are just the highlights I can remember off the top of my head.
Every success was backed up by tons of hard work and I am so grateful for everyone who made these opportunities possible and for your friendship.
Looking forward to 2013 I hope to:
-become more widely known
-Be on tv again
-Travel to Europe
-finish school by Jan 4th
-Create moe Belly dance opportunities for the community
– Become a stronger dancer, particularly achieve crisp, clean arms/wrists
-Double the amount of costume orders
-double 2012’s amount of gigs
-touch people’s lives
Alright, I want to hear your goals. What do you have planned for 2013?