bellydance_sewing_partySewing is a big part of my life as a professional belly dancer and designer. Running a successful small business, I often work over-time to keep the train running smoothly. The only problem is that “me” time quickly goes by the wayside with meetings, gigs, restaurant work, private classes, website work and etc…

One of the best ways I have found to de-stress and share with my fellow dance community and friends are through sewing parties.

What is a sewing party? It is a gathering of crafty friends to work on projects (Belly dance related or not) that we want to finish. We drink, eat food, listen to music, play games, but most importantly, catch-up on life and support one another.

This is a great way to keep each other in check and make sure we get much needed girl time. It also hits two birds with one stone by optimizing one’s time to the fullest.

I have been doing this for years and it is probably the most effective and fun way to just relax while being efficient lol! If you are stressed and have so much to do that you barely have time to go out, why not get it done in the company of loved ones? Sunday we just had another sewing party and although a small group came for this one, we had a blast sewing, playing card games, and chatting about our lives.

I hope you enjoy this fun social idea. Try it! It’s fun and motivating and not to mention will force you to finish those pesky projects you have been procrastinating on. Have a great rest of your week and keep tackling your goals! I hope to hear your ideas for de-stressing here on my Bellydance By Jennifer Inc. professional belly dancer blog.