When reading this blog on Inspiring Male Belly Dancers you might notice there are only 3 names. This list is much shorter than my blog of female belly dancers who have inspired me due to a few reasons:

 First there are quite less male belly dancers out there than female unfortunately. Second, I truly wanted to include my top most influential and artists whose work personally affected me. Thirdly, I could have included other famous groundbreakers and men you might “expect” to see, but I didn’t want any politics and have included a name because it was “expected” for the name to be on this list.

I know 3 may not be much, but these three are amazing, and quite impactful.  Read below and read and see by the videos why…

top Male Belly DancersYamil Annum


What I love about Yamil is that he is such a MAN on the stage. From the strong movements, more masculine oriental belly dance costuming I have seen compared to most, and his demeanor on stage, it is clear he embraces this art, and has made it his own.

His precise technique and amazing feats of athletic ability left me stunned since the first video I ever saw, and I continue to be amazed by him through every workshop I have ever taken from him, and after watching all the beautiful videos he has online.

 Inspiring Male Belly DancersIlan Riviere


Ever since I saw this tribal fest performance of his a few years ago, I instantly became a fan. The obvious training, theatrics and creativity and energy on stage…wow! This young man is a master at such a young age, and such an inspiration to so many out there.

The fluidity he achieves is remarkable, and I love that he like Yamil, has created a style all his own, he dresses in a more masculine and creative manner, and is open about his story.

Top 3 Most Inspiring Male Belly DancersMAX DANERI


When I saw this video from Saida’s homenaje I was couldn’t stop laughing. To do parodies of dancers is HARD! To do them AMAZINGLY WELL is another thing, and he captures every artist he has ever done an impression on masterfully.

He is clearly a skilled dancer and has such a keen sense of detail and awareness. I LVOE watching his videos, and look forward to seeing his next piece. Grab a tissue, because he is going to make you cry laughing with videos such as these.

I hope you enjoyed these videos. There are plenty of amazing and Inspiring Male Belly Dancers out there but these are most definitely my top 3 that I think everyone can find something inspiriting from. Enjoy and feel free to comment and list your favorites!