Let Me Explain
Even if you do not have double scoliosis, here Is the minimum doctors advise we do as dancers:
Always warm up, and then stretch before performing
- 1. ALWAYS do a nice cool down stretch after your performance
- 2. Once you’re back home and showered after a performance, ice your back, knees and other problem areas that swell from dancing
- 3. Take supplements for your bones
- 4. Make sure to go to a chiropractor at least once a month
- 5. Make sure to get a massage at least once a month
- 6. Make muscle strengthening and flexibility exercises part of your daily or at a stark minimum “every other day” routine.
- 7. Take localized anti-inflammatory if needed
So What is the Problem, Why Can’t this Orlando Belly Dancer Stay Healthy?
Well like most 25 year olds I don’t do all of this due to stupid excuses, and to make matters worse having double scoliosis requires weekly care as a dancer which leads to mucho $$$. If you do the above minimum requirements, most dancers will be just fine. When you have back issues guess what, easy ticket to a sprained back if you don’t get more serious care more often.
It is so aggravating to wake up, and as soon as you get out of bed have a swollen back and knee, more so when you are expected to perform your best for your students and paying audience.
If you suffer from scoliosis or other back problems always seek out your doctor and make sure to take care of things right away. I know many of us are tight on money and time, but I want others to learn from my mistakes. We are never out of the risk of having injuries and all one needs to do is to follow a regimen and invest a portion of your income into your health now rather than not be able to dance later.
Do not make the same mistakes I did and do the minimum on the above list if you have back issues. If you have back problems such as likelihood of sprains, really take the time now to take care of yourself so you can have a long dance career which is what this Orlando Belly Dancer hopes to have.
I’m sorry you got injured! You are right– it is hard to make ourselves take the time to take care of our bodies, and easy to find excuses.
yes so easy to fall into the excuse trap. I always would say to myself “later” or “I dont need that”, but the reality was quite different. Instead of $100 for shopping or movies and such, it should have gone to a needed massage and anti-inflammatory. You live and you learn lol! Thanks for reading Hannah and if you have any tips on how you keep your body safe, please post!
Such an important issue for us and not addressed as often as it should be. We can all give advice but the reality is that rarely do we take our OWN advice as often as we should. Sometimes our jobs don’t allow us the proper warm up time or we’re hiding in our cars till showtime so we don’t spoil the surprise of our show. Then we’ve got just enough time to get to the next show. I’ve cut corners in the past myself but I do get massage, reflexology, roll on my foam roller and rub arnica on my joints before bed 😉 Heal up and best of luck to you Jennifer 😉
oooh Tava so how do you like the foam rollers thus far? I am looking into rollers for when i get back form my trip.
I shudder to think of life before my foam roller! (Ok, maybe that’s a tad dramatic :p ) But seriously been the best for my back, hip, IT band, even my forearms after a night of zills. Personally, I don’t like the textered ones…too intense for me and leaves awful marks. Safe travels and thanks again for addressing this! xo